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Slidderz Joint Core Pineapple Haze, 5 pcs x 100 mg CBD

Slidderz Joint Core Pineapple Haze, 5 pcs x 100 mg CBD

A new and exciting way to administer concentrates. SLiDDERZ are made from pure CBD extract, which is made from purely natural ingredients. More

Manufacturer: SlidderzProduct code: SlidderzjointPine5 Weight: 0.03 kgShipping and Payment

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A new and exciting way to administer concentrates. SLiDDERZ are made from pure CBD extract, which is made from purely natural ingredients. More

Manufacturer: SlidderzProduct code: SlidderzjointPine5 Weight: 0.03 kgShipping and Payment

Introducing SLiDDERZ Joint Core! Simply slide into the joint and pull.

Slidderz are made from 100% hemp concentrate, which is made from all-natural ingredients. Microencapsulation technology is used to encapsulate the concentrate, giving it the shape and rigidity of a toothpick. Microencapsulation ensures that all of the various volatile compounds found in the cannabis plant or Cannabis are safe and sound inside each joint core.

Flavour: Pineapple Haze

CBD content per core: 100 mg

Percentage of CBD per core: 58%

Quantity: 5 pcs x 0.17 g


Product in accordance with Act §5 No. 167/1998. Designed for industrial, technical and horticultural purposes. Not intended for direct consumption or smoking. The product is subject to natural weight loss. Prohibition of sales under 18 years of age. Keep out of reach of children.

Upon sale (at the store / via a transport service / via another dispensing point), the seller will verify that the buyer is not under 18 years of age.